Monday, September 21, 2009

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

I had a lot of misconceptions about "homeschoolers" before we embarked on this journey. Here's what I've learned just in our short time...

Good things about homeschool:
1. So much quality family time together
2. Ability to incorporate God into every aspect of school
3. Hugs and kisses for the teacher!
4. Moving along at his own pace in every subject
5. Freedom to take school with us on vacations / weekend trips
6. Control over peer pressure
7. Learning along with him
8. Exploring any subject we are interested in at the time ("How does electricity work?" sparked a new study on electricity that will begin next week). In preparation for our Hawaii trip we are learning about oceans and volcanoes.
9. Having a cat in the school room
10. Turning learning into a lifestyle. His favorite "games" to play during free time are spelling and math games. We learn in the car, at the park, sitting on the front porch, and at gramma's house...he always wants to learn because we make it fun!

Not so good things:
1. Most of my free time is taken up with planning stuff
2. Our evenings after work are used for 2 hours of school most days, and on weekends
3. Answering everyone's questions about "socialization". Biggest homeschooling myth ever! He actually gets much better socialization than the other "institutionalized" kids.
4. Those days when he doesn't want to listen or learn.
5. But wait...I love to plan and use my time to teach. And if he's not ready to learn that day, we skip it and start over the next day.

Happy with our decision so far...

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