Friday, September 24, 2010

2nd Grade has started!

We are into our second week of 2nd Grade with Avery. He is supposed to be starting 1st grade if he was in public school.
With 2nd grade, there are more subjects to cover. Here is our weekly list of subjects:
1. Bible
2. Spelling
3. English
4. Handwriting
5. American History
6. Science
7. Math
8. Spanish
9. Reading...incentivized with Book-It pizza!
10. PE (at YMCA twice a week)
11. Swimming (at YMCA once a week)
12. Soccer (at YMCA twice a week)
13. Bible Quiz team (at church once a week)
14. Royal Rangers (like boy scouts, once a week)

Chris is now helping with 50% of the teaching, and is doing very well at it. We are thoroughly enjoying all the family time together, and really love the 'blur' between school and everyday life. Almost everything we do is a teaching moment, and Avery's mind is always open to learning wherever we are. Lovin it!!!!

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