Thursday, March 17, 2011

What are we learning?

Science class - what is a cell? Well, it's jello and beans and a grape, of course!

The different names for Jesus - The Light of the World (made a candle), The Bread of Life (made a bread basket), the Rock (painted a rock with the verse), The Lamb of God (made a lamb out of cotton balls), I am the Vine (eat grapes), The Living Water...

Still learning a little about each state - we have read about Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and other pioneers. By the end of the year we'll have a book with a page for each state.

Spelling -  words like cleaning, coat, cared, swing, sorry, place, nice...he's telling me these are way too easy, but we at least need to finish out the book!

English - lessons like addressing an envelope, completing the sentence to answer "why", capitalization, punctuation, dictation. Handwriting / cursive will start again soon...took a little 'frustration' break for a few months because I realized he wasn't quite ready for that.

Math - double digit addition in his head. We are teaching to do math in your head, by picturing the abacus beads. Also parallel / perpendicular lines, lines of symmetry, and some beginning subtraction. I LOVE our math program, it is all hands on, tactical learning. No long worksheets, or boring memorization. We play lots of math games as well - they really reinforce what we have been learning.

Art - drawing lessons / painting / clay work

Spanish - body parts, colors, alphabet, furniture, animals. Chris is fluent, so that helps! We found a great website with Spanish games also.  He is now correcting my pronunciation, and boy does he have it down!

And of course Reading (out loud to eachother, and quietly). We don't even consider that a subject anymore, since he is reading chapter books on his own, and comprehending them. He is completely addicted to reading - in the grocery cart, in the car, before bed, in the morning, whenever he is bored...even to the cat!

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