Saturday, November 14, 2009

Vacation School

We take our school wherever we go, and we don't have to worry about Avery missing something while we are gone. We did school in Hawaii, taking our school books and working on some lawn chairs overlooking the ocean. We also had a science lesson of a lifetime, as he saw firsthand the ocean we learned about all last month. We saw a different culture and he caught on to "Aloha" and "Mahalo" (hello, goodbye, and thank you) and started saying it to everyone we saw. It's our school tradition to buy a new book from every new place we go to remember it by, so we bought him a book about a sea turtle, as well as a stuffed animal sea turtle. We learned the science behind volcanos last month, and we got to see a real one and smell it.

We have a new appreciation for the vastness of the ocean, and how small we really are in God's big world.

The funny thing was how many random ferrill cats we saw. They roamed around the resort, and every place we stopped, and they were very friendly! In Peru when we travelled there, there were random dogs everywhere, in Hawaii they have cats! We had about 6 of them that meowed below our hotel balcony every morning because we threw raisins down at them to eat.

My favorite memory was all the lizards running around. I caught this little one that had already lost his tail, and I think he liked me because even when I tried to put him down he stayed on my thumb. Avery got quite a kick out of him as well - I saved him in our room for a couple of hours so we could play with him :)

Avery got his face painted at the Luau by one of the dancers, and he felt pretty cool. He was out in the aisles dancing along for about an hour, it was really cute.

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