Friday, February 19, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!

The best part of Valentines day every year? Gramma's package of cold cookies that come in the mail...mmm mmm! We made Valentines for all the gramma's and some for the kids at church, I miss the days of making a shoe box in school and decorating it. I will definitely do that next year with Avery, just so I can do one too. :)

Here's where we are in school now....

Avery read 100 books since we started first grade, some of them easy readers and some of them 40 page chapter books (well, I gave him credit for each chapter instead of the whole book). His reward was being able to play Nintendo almost all day. We are skimming through the first grade curriculum since it seems to be too easy for him, so we do a lot of supplementing with various activities I find, and games. Our newest game:
Mix up all the addition, subtraction, and telling time flashcards. Roll the die and pick that many cards. For each one you get right you get a marble, and whoever has the most marbles at the end of 15 minutes wins. Whatever you can make into a competition, he will do.

He can tell me all the months and the days in order, in Spanish and English. He can tell time down to the 5 minutes, and count change with pennies nickels and dimes. He finally learned to tie his shoes, thanks to daddy. He can write his name, address, phone number, and both of our cell phone numbers. He writes whole bible verses, which he found in his bible by himself. For math we are moving on to double digit addition and subtraction.

There are some great ladies at our church who homeschool as well, and I visited one the other day to see how she did it. She has three kids, and she gave me some great ideas on curriculum and methods. Just when I start thinking I can't do this anymore, I get motivated again. Please pray for this to keep working out, it has been such a blessing to us.

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