Sunday, March 14, 2010

Homeschool PE

We have added PE to our schedule, going twice a week to the YMCA to do swimming lessons, rock climbing, and gym activities. There are a dozen other homeschoolers in the "Homeschool PE" class, and so far we are having lots of fun!

Other than the class, daddy has his own PE class where he and his little mini-me do exercises together every day, and wrestle. I didn't know how much he had been working with him until I saw Avery wrestle with a couple of boys at a gathering...and they were all 4-6 inches taller than him. He actually tackled one of them and brought him to the ground and pinned his arms down so he couldn't move. Ahem....they were all just having fun and giggling, so don't think we have a total bully on our hands! Jujitzu class is in our future, I think.

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