Sunday, March 14, 2010

"What about Socialization?" does every SINGLE person in the world ask homeschoolers the exact same question when they find out they homeschool? Is there ever another time that the word "socialization" is ever even used in their vocabulary? I wish I could just have a recording to play back to them when they ask me that...because I'm so tired of explaining it to people.

Homeschooled kids get one on one attention that cannot be obtained in any school with 20 kids per teacher. Kids in school have to sit and be quiet for much of the time that they are being "socialized" with kids, and actually get in trouble for "socializing". Hmmm. Homeschool kids don't get the negative socialization that is found in schools with cliques and bullying. In my opinion....and yes, I only speak from my limited experience with my one and only student...he gets just as much "socialization" than any other kid in school.

Twice a week PE with other kids, twice a week church with other kids, then the other outings and sleepovers with friends, playing in the yard with neighbor kids, going to the Kidzone at the YMCA when Chris works out, going to VBS in the summer, and all the numerous other library, zoo, museum and community activities we take him to. Yes, he interracts with many other kids...and since he is not strictly limited to kids his same age, he is comfortable playing with kids of all ages - younger and older. He makes friends very easily and is not afraid to talk to anyone.

So time you hear about someone homeschooling, just trust that they are doing what they think is best for their own child, and they have definitely thought about and taken care of the whole "socialization" thing. Don't ask them that question...please.

1 comment:

  1. Now can a copy and paste this to my blog for the ALL that have the same concern for us?!?!Love This!!!
