Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Homeschool Convention

Every year hundreds and hundreds of families from all over Kansas come to listen to dozens of speakers and browse for hours through learning games, curriculum, books, videos, and art supplies at the homeschool convention. This was our first one, and I learned so much from the seminars, got completely inspired from the keynote speakers, and spent way too much money on stuff for our school!

This was a 3 day adventure, and while I was off learning and networking, Avery got to be in the Adventure camp onsite where they solved a mystery, learned about what it means to be a Christian, and prepare a program for the last day for parents.

I came away inspired to keep education what it originally was meant to be, and keeping it centered on the bible. There is no better teacher in the world for your child but you, and I plan to do everything I can to keep myself in that position as long as I can. What a gift that we can do this as a family!

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