Monday, July 26, 2010

Science break

A buggy science lesson. Our 'other kids' from next door came over with two toads, so we kept them in a terrarium. Every day they catch grasshoppers and crickets in the yard and feed them to the toad. They watch how he stands really still until the bug walks in front of his face, and then in a split second sticks out his tongue and bites the bug. One time the grasshopper was a little too big for him, and he jumped out of his mouth! The kids are learning that he won't eat crickets that are too small, and he prefers the bigger crickets to grasshoppers. And I think he ate one of the tiny toads we had in there too!

This was after an intense bug hunt when they brought in about 6 bugs to feed the toad. A popsicle reward quenched their thirst, and they said they are all acting like popsicles here. I think they just got worn out!

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