Monday, July 26, 2010

Tomato day

We took a trip to the Farmer's Market and were surprised to find Tomato Day. A and his friend made tomato critters - I thought that was pretty creative to make a spider. He even made a little snail friend for his spider out of a shell noodle.

We learned about planting fall vegetables, and how to make a row cover out of pvc pipe and light material. It's not to keep out the cold, but to keep in the heat - so put it on during the heat of the day. Didn't know that! And I learned to leave the poor plants alone if they are cold, so the leaves can keep it warm. Awww.

Chris built me a garden space this spring, and I have been preparing the dirt and dreaming of a I will try to plant some fall veges in a couple weeks. After I buy a hoe and chop down all the weeds that have so lovingly planted themselves all over my nice dirt.

We also learned that you can eat duck eggs. Who knew? They were out of chicken eggs, so we got a dozen duck eggs and made a quiche out of them. They look and taste exactly like chicken eggs, but are a little bigger. We also learned where food really comes from...not just the grocery store.

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