Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Summer break

We moved the school room up from the basement to the third bedroom upstairs. Easier to make dinner at the same time as checking in on homework progress that way. And now we have a computer with internet in the school room...what a concept! We can do typing practice and math games between subjects, which helps to keep the good mood rolling!

We have 30 lessons left of 1st grade, so we are spreading it out until the rest of the summer. We'll start 2nd Grade with My Father's World curriculum in September, and the next level of RightStart math.

We are learning so much about the bible, stuff I never knew - like the history of the Israelites, and the life of Moses, the ten plagues of Egypt. We are hiding the word of God in our hearts, just like God tells us to. And it is a thousand times more fun and interesting than I ever thought it could be.

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